Urban Workout In The Big Apple

NYC travelers there are so many amazing boutique gyms you must try in Manhattan. But, if you want to stick to the beautiful outdoors than try an outdoor session using NYC's finest architecture and surroundings. 

The workout:
Start at City Hall Park take the pedestrian entrance to Brooklyn Bridge and jog across for your warm up. Once you get to other side follow the signs and take the staircase down and under the bridge and head over to Brooklyn Bridge Park (Can't miss it, there is a carrousel, benches and a few steps).

Circuit: Repeat 3-5 times -Walking lunges across the wood planks (100 lunges)
-20 push ups off the bench
-20 lunge jump ups off bench
-20 triceps dips
-20 bench squat jumps
-20 single leg Bulgarian split squats (off bench
-Jog back over the bridge, stretch and go enjoy NYC. Our favorite city in the Country.
