Urban Workout In Downtown San Diego

Traveling to San Diego and need to find a good workout spot? Look no further than the San Diego Downtown Convention Center Stairs. Over 6 flights of stairs and 100+ steps in the heart of downtown San Diego. No $, always open and all you need is water 💦 

Stairway to heaven workout:

Warm up with a light 5 min jog
-5 x every step sprint up superset at the top 20 push ups, 20 squats, 20 dips (ledge at top), 20 squat jumps.
-5 x every other step sprint ups superset at the top 1min plank holds, 10 squat jumps, 10 triceps push ups.
-3 x every step on a 45degree angle (left side for a platform then right) superset at the top with 50 walking lunges.
-stretch and enjoy